Sunday, 25 October 2015

Trees are fantastic!

I am lucky enough to live in a town that has many tree-lined streets - I decided to make some small studies and collect them with a view to expand on the windows idea seen in my last post. Trees therefore have been jumping out at me everywhere!
Here is the route to my local supermarket - 

and a fantastic show not far from the station

Doing these tree studies reminded me of some miniatures that I found in a drawer the other day - I couldn't quite believe I had made them...they measure 5x4cm! My eyes must have been good!

Here they are...

I must have had endless uninterrupted hours! It is heartening to feel that the sense of concentration for these small tree studies is still there and some of them (especially those painted outdoors) capture that feeling of being lost in something for a while. They are either worked from photos taken out and about on walks or painted en plein-air. They are all 10x10cm or there-about - it's great trying to get a sense of depth and landscape into a small area. I have tended to take about 20/30 minutes for each one and have made about 30 this week. Here's a few

Again I am going to have fun arranging them and playing with scale because I can already see small sections of these studies that will make interesting larger scale prints or paintings. I will try and show you one of these transformations in a later post.

Monday, 19 October 2015

Windows and little gems of paintings!

I am starting this blog with the aim of updating once a week or so with updates on my art practice and other things art related that interest me....I hope you enjoy it.

For a few years now I have kept my old paint palettes, tear off palettes, bits of old card or plastic that I have mixed paint on ....the evidence of the effort that has gone into each successful and unsuccessful painting I have done -  convinced that I would use them in some way. Recently I started cutting them up in deliberate sections and then working into each piece as a new painting. I am really pleased with the results and am working on arranging them in a way that somehow makes the whole greater than the sum of the parts. When people see them they usually pick out a favourite and that's pleasing because I feel that I have had a little relationship with each one. They are like little individual gems to me!

I realised I like both the small scale (each piece approx 4 x11cm) and the slightly stained glass effect when you start to put them together. It has inspired me to start a project on trees in a similar fashion.  More on that later....

Here you can see some of the cut up sections

I have framed each one to work into it, this was so enjoyable